Sunday, May 20, 2007

Enna, Randazzo. Interior Mountain Towns

Mountain towns. Enna. The interior of Sicily is rugged but greener than we expected. We stopped at this view of Enna on the looping-back road, and there was the call to prayer from a city mosque.

Enna, Sicily, view.

The cities are large.

See Enna's history at Here are people of different religions ultimately accommodating and living together for centuries.

Enna, Sicily, approach

Randazzo, view of valley

The Greeks were there at least by 700 B.C., and it was an already populated area.

Randazzo: There is a good interactive website for Sicily cities, including Randazzo, at It was the last Nazi stronghold in WWII. There are still the bullet holes in the buildings in the old town, no repairs. Do an "images" search for Randazzo, and see the battle scars.

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